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-Coating System
DELTAShield CRX 700
Urban AgroDate
DELTAShield CRX 700 is a specially formulated high performance, rigid polymer designed for in mold spray applications, mold making applications and the replacement of fiberglass reinforcing.
DELTAShield CRX 700 exhibits excellent structural strength, good thermal stability and very low moisture permeability making it suitable for use in immersion applications.
DELTAShield CRX 700 is spray applied and is tack free in seconds providing very rapid turn around and handling times.
Various projects have been carried out using our Shore 80 D; DELTAShield CRX 700. Here we highlight one of our OEM applications for the agricultural sector for reinforcement of ploughing spirals.
SAVIN DELTA COATINGS INDIA LTD. was the approved applicator for the project.