OmanTotal Area
4,000 m² @ 2 mmCoating System
DELTAPrime Filler
DELTAShield Aqualine AL
An amphitheater was being built for the RGO Quarters in Muscat, Oman. A special green color was required which symbolizes the RGO theme and color.
DELTA recommended the use of DELTAShield Aqualine AL which is an aliphatic elastomeric coating meaning it has the same properties of a pure polyurea including UV stability and the same physical characteristics. In addition, also maintains color stability which was a necessary requirement for the client.
Avoiding a top coat system for color stability was much appreciated by the client as there would never be any chance of a peel off or delamination of a theoretical 250 µ top coat, as oppose to the entire 2 mm thick(one coat) coating being entirely aliphatic.
The entire 4,000 m² was completed in 10 days.
DELTAShield Aqualine AL is a two component, spray applied, instant curing, high performance elastomeric waterproof membrane that can be built to any thickness in one application. It is ideal for swimming pools, lagoons and water bodies where the requirement of color stability is required in an elastomeric coating. DELTAShield Aqualine AL is UV and colour stable, suitable for pedestrian and vehicular traffic and can be installed with slip resistant surface profile options. DELTAShield Aqualine AL is specifically formulated for applications where the highest physical performance is required along with colour fastness to ensure functionality and aesthetics.
DELTAShield Aqualine AL can crack bridge up to 1.3 cm @ 23°C. The laid concrete showed cracks appearing over the curing stage. The project required an elastomeric coating that would sustain the harsh environment and provide a seamless, bonded, antiskid & waterproof system. DELTAShield Aqualine AL is a single coat aliphatic system that does not require a top coat for color stability. It can also chemically resist chlorine and other pool chemicals along with being zero VOC.
Surface preparation was carried out using DELTAPrime 2K SF and DELTAPrime Filler.