DELTAShield TC 100

DELTAShield TC 100

DELTAShield TC 100 is a two component chemically curing aliphatic acrylic polyurethane coating. It has a glossy finish with very good gloss retention. It is a high solid, high build product. It is fast drying. It can be used direct to metal. This coating is highly flexible, impact resistant and has excellent adhesion.
Our highly durable product is designed to be used as topcoat in atmospheric environments.
- Provides a tough, abrasion resistant finish with excellent gloss and colour retention, even under severe exposure conditions.
- DELTAShield TC 100 is a chlorine resistant finish which makes it an ideal solution for pool areas.
- Resistant to spills of most oils, aliphatic petroleum products and non-aggressive chemicals
Typical Uses
- As a top coat suitable for a wide range of industrial structures; marine, offshore environments, bridges and buildings.
- As a top coat for all DELTAShield systems.
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Physical Properties
Property | Test Standard | Data |
Solids by volume | ISO 3233 | 64 ± 2% |
Gloss level (GU 60 °) | ISO 2813 | Gloss (70-85) |
Flash Point | ISO 3679 Method 1 | 25 °C |
Density | Calculated | 1.2 kg/l |
VOC | 344 g/l | |
Dry film thickness | 50 – 150 μm | |
Pot life | 1 h @ 23 °C | |
Wet film thickness | 80 – 230 μm | |
Theoretical spreading rate | 1.3 – 4.3 m²/l |
Component A 4 / 16 kg per pail
Component B 1 / 4 kg per pail
Equipment Cleaning
Equipment can be cleaned with paint thinner and common solvents immediately after use. Note that hardened material can only be removed mechanically
Approximately 24 months from the date of manufacture, when kept in original containers under standard storage conditions.
All guidelines, recommendations, statements, and technical data contained herein are based on information and tests we believe to be reliable and correct, but accuracy and completeness of said tests are not guaranteed and are not to be construed as a warranty, either expressed or implied. It is the user`s responsibility to satisfy himself, by his own investigations and testing, the suitability of the product for his own intended use, application and job situation and user assumes all risk and liability resulting from his use of the product. These products require specialized equipment and skills to apply. It is the purchaser`s responsibility to ensure that they have the necessary equipment, skills and experience to apply these products. Neither seller nor manufacturer shall be liable to the buyer or any third person for any injury, loss or damage directly or indirectly resulting from use of, or inability to use, the product. Technical and application information is provided for the purpose of establishing a general profile of the material and application parameters. Test performance results were obtained in a controlled environment and DELTA Coatings International LLC makes no claim that these tests or any other tests can be accurately reproduced in all environments.
The rights of the purchaser regarding the quality of our materials follows completely our general terms and conditions. For requirements, which exceed the scope of the above-mentioned applications please contact DELTA technical staff.
DELTA Coatings International LLC reserves the right to change or modify the details and data contained herein at any time.
Valid is only the actual version of this technical data sheet in each case.
* DELTA recommends that in all applications involving chemicals a pre-test of the lining’s suitability in the customer`s application is conducted. Consult with DELTA Technical Team.
© Copyright, DELTA Coatings International LLC, DELTAShield TC 100