UAETotal Area
4 M² per cart x 2,000Coating System
DELTAShield Hybrid 500
Airports AuthorityDate
An airline company and airports authority was facing an issue with having damages to their carts handling bulk and heavy quantities of customer baggage's. Due to the heavy suitcase weight thrown in the fiberglass compartments; tears started occurring. This constantly required repair solutions and the airport authorities required a long-term solution with an impact resistant coating.
DELTAShield Hybrid 500 was tested for six months on the carts and eventually the entire system was converted.
Ten years down the road and the client has not returned back with any damages to the carts applied with DELTAShield Hybrid 500.
DELTAShield Hybrid 500 is a spray applied, instant curing flexible membrane formulated from hybrid Polyurea technology, that can be built to any thickness in one application.
DELTAShield Hybrid 500 provides a very flexible, seamless, hard-wearing substrate waterproofing and substrate protection solution for a wide range of substrates. Its rapid spray application and instant curing characteristics enable shorter application times than traditional glue or weld in place and torch on membranes. Waterproofing integrity around difficult shapes and multiple substrate types is easily achieved with DELTAShield Hybrid 500 removing these application risks.