UAETotal Area
200 m² @ 2mmCoating System
DELTAShield C 1100
Etihad TowersDate
The prestigious Etihad headquarters building situated in Abu Dhabi had a leakage on the rock formation waterfall and required immediate and fast repairs for waterproofing. The previous joint sealant repairs were unsuccessful and had to be removed prior to applying DELTAShield C 1100.
DELTAShield C 1100 is touch dry in 30 minutes and can be returned to service in 2 hours time. Simple application with a roller or brush or airless gun assures the ease of application can be carried out by most applicators. As always; surface preparation is key to having the proper bonding and adhesion on the self priming DELTAShield C 1100.
DELTAShield C 1100 is a new technology high performance, rapid curing colour fast and non-yellowing waterproofing & corrosion polyaspartic protection coating. DELTAShield C 1100 can provide significant savings in application and re-use times due to it being a one application, rapid curing product. There is no need for a topcoat due to DELTAShield C 1100 excellent colour and gloss retention even under harsh UV exposure.
DELTAShield C 1100 displays excellent chemical resistance and is resistant to most fuels, oils, solvents and cleaners making it an ideal solution for plant and equipment corrosion protection. DELTAShield C 1100 can be applied using an airless sprayer or rollers. With a tack free time of 45 minutes re-use times are incredibly short saving customers costly down time.