UAETotal Area
4,000 m² @ 2mmCoating System
DELTAShield HP 400
Polyurethane foam is one of the best insulation products with extreme thermal energy saving advantages. However, PU foam on its on is not UV stable or waterproof and can lead to cracking as it is rigid by nature. A strong waterproofing product with high crack bridging abilities and high hardness is recommended to be applied on top of the foam to continue its service life of 40 years.
DELTAShield HP 400 is an instant curing, spray applied, seamless, and flexible protective membrane. DELTAShield HP 400 sits at the top of DELTA`s high performance coatings range and is suitable for use in a wide range of demanding applications requiring abrasion, impact and chemical resistance.
DELTAShield HP 400 is an excellent primary and secondary containment membrane providing seamless, instant curing, flexible containment solutions that require a higher performance level than standard waterproofing membranes. DELTAShield HP 400 is an ideal lining for abrasive liquid containment, industrial, chemical and impact applications.
Below we showcase an application where an acrylic coating had torn due to the foam having a crack and could not sustain the crack bridging ability for protection. DELTAShield HP 400 is also walkable when it is applied directly on top of polyurethane foam.