IndiaTotal Area
7,000 m² @ 3mmCoating System
DELTAPrime Filler
DELTAShield HP 400
Navayuga Engineering CompanyDate
An Oil and Gas company required protective coatings on their old worn out slurry concrete storage tank. Previously coated with GRP @ 8 mm thickness, the oil pit started showing signs of ware and tear after 6 years of applications.
DELTAShield HP 400 was proposed for the application, keeping in mind its excellent chemical resistance. Strict adherence was taking towards safety during the application.
DELTAShield HP 400 is an instant curing, spray applied, seamless, and flexible protective membrane. DELTAShield HP 400 sits at the top of DELTA`s high performance coatings range and is suitable for use in a wide range of demanding applications requiring abrasion, impact and chemical resistance.
DELTAShield HP 400 is an excellent primary and secondary containment membrane providing seamless, instant curing, flexible containment solutions that require a higher performance level than standard waterproofing membranes. DELTAShield HP 400 is an ideal lining for abrasive liquid containment, industrial, chemical and impact applications.
The concrete surface was first prepared with DELTAPrime 2K SF Primer and DELTAPrime Filler.
SAVIN DELTA Coatings Ltd. was the approved applicator for the project.